
let’s chat | coronavirus

It’s got to the point now where I am taking ‘which hand sanitiser am I?’ quizzes on buzzfeed, yeah, I really hoped it wouldn’t get to that. (in case you were wondering, I am rose vanilla, how about you?)

So, in case you guys didn’t know I was due to take my GCSEs this year, but they have been cancelled as has everything else exciting that was due to happen this year! I can’t help but be disappointed that I probably won’t have a prom, I won’t get to have a yearbook, I won’t have the stress of sitting exams, but I understand completely that there are more important things to focus on now and exams needed to be cancelled to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

So, I’ve said goodbye to my friends of 5yrs, some who I may never see again as they’re moving to different colleges and sixth forms, I myself am staying at my sixth form presuming I get the grades to get back into it, which considering it’s a grammar school, will be hard! I’ve been calling my friends on Zoom all the time, just trying to keep in contact with them as much as possible during these (sorry to have to use this massively overused word) unprecedented times, many of my friends will be staying at sixth form with me thankfully, but the ones who are leaving I’ll miss greatly.

Now onto something else which has been ruined by corona is my skin haha, i don’t know about you guys, but is anyone else’s skin just breaking out loads because of corona? I don’t mean tiny pimples, I literally have horrible breakouts on my whole face, and I had acne before so these breakouts have made it worse, I’m actually glad now that we can’t leave the house because honestly I don’t want anyone to see my face, even Snapchat filters won’t clear my skin now haha, please tell me I’m not the only one this is happening to?

So, another thing I’ve struggled with is not talking to people in real life, I am massively extroverted and I thrive off other people, so being stuck indoors is boring, boring and boring for me, I have my sister, parents, grandma and my cat for company but I am still bored which sounds so ungrateful but I am honestly just saying it how it is, I know some introverts who told me that they are loving quarantine and that’s great for them, and I am happy for them! But for me, I am used to being with crowds of people at school, at volunteering, and I have a big family too, so basically I am a people person so quarantine is not for me!

I am sorry that this post has just been a rant about negatives of coronavirus and I am sorry to have to have spoken about myself for the entirety of this post, but I just needed to say my little rant to someone and hopefully someone is reading this thinking ‘omg this is me’, if that person is you, comment down below and we can rant together xx

How are you finding quarantine/lockdown? love it or loathe it, let me know 🙂




13 thoughts on “let’s chat | coronavirus

  1. i can totally relate with the whole gcses thing, obviously it’s super annoying but we can understand that they would never do it without sufficient reason. i didn’t get a proper leaver’s day which was so upsetting but i’m sure you’ll be able to meet up with your friends who aren’t going to the same sixth form as you!! my skin is awful atm as well don’t worry aha. it’s strange because i would more describe myself as an introvert but i am finding it odd not talking to people face to face as i find it quite difficult to talk to people online. that’s amazing you’ve got such a big family! hope you’re staying safe :))

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    1. Yeah, I totally get the whole not having a leaver’s day thing, we’ve done 5 years of secondary school and now it’s ended so abruptly, it’s crazy. Glad to know my skin isn’t the only one playing up haha, yeah i totally get what you’re saying about how it’s difficult to speak to people online, it just feels different somehow and people’s personalities online are sometimes worlds apart from their irl personalities, yeah i’m super lucky to have a big family, stay safe! 🙂

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  2. Aw, that’s rough about school and exams and friends. My university decided to go ahead with exams as soon as this lockdown is lifted, which is appalling considering they have hardly completed our syllabus, so it’s a little terrifying, but oh well.
    And I totally get the skin thing, but I don’t know how it’s happening. Even keeping up with a skincare routine really isn’t helping and now I’m past the point of worrying, lol.
    Hope everything gets better soon! xx

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    1. Oh no, that’s terrible 😦 are you having to learn the remainder of the content yourself does that mean? I know! The skin thing is madness, I have no idea how not leaving the house makes skin worse, if anything it should make it better! Thank you so much for your kind, kind words it honestly means so much xx

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  3. Oh my god, that sounds terrible, i’m so sorry you had to leave your home in china, that’s upsetting, but i’m sure it’s for the best at the moment, it’s so sad you can’t even tell your friends what’s happening 😦 are you finding it hard starting a Detext? i haven’t actually heard of that before, but it must be pretty hard especially with what’s going on in the world now, texting is basically what’s keeping most people going tbh, thanks for reading, and stay safe x


  4. Lol, at the beginning of the year I was all like “YAS 2020 a new year!” and now “heh….” 2020 and the virus is definitely testing us. Great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Don’t ever be apologetic of what you had written or would like to write in this blog. After all, this is your niche — a place just for you in the cyber space. It’s good to “rant” once in a while Blogging shouldn’t be limited to SEO or online marketing. It should stay as a platform of expression for all. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaw that’s such a nice comment, you’ve honestly brightened my day just by saying that 🙂 I agree with you, blogging shouldn’t just be for SEO or online marketing, it should be a place to express yourself, and bloggers should embrace that. thank you, so much ❤ xx

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  6. Oh gosh the examss😂🙄 I’m on the same boat as you!! I was going to be sitting for my A levels this May and now it’s really crazy. And think about this being my very last year of school. Aahh🙄🙄🙄
    I’m sure I’m never probably going to prom especially since people are super concerned with social distancing these days. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂

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    1. I knoww it’s so crazy, right? oh wow yeah it would be your last year of school, it’s a shame it has to end this way isn’t it. Yeah prom will totally be cancelled, you can hardly stay 2m away from everyone haha

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      1. Ahh I know right?!😂 Its funny to even think about. I mean, of ALL the 18 years on my that this could have happened it, it had to happen now wow✌🙄 During my senior prom.

        And yeah haha staying 2m away from everyone would look weird😂 I can’t even imagine how it’s going to be after this quarantine 😛

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        1. Literally! Haha, I know right, I don’t think like will ever be ‘normal’ again to be honest, not for a long time anyway, guess we’ll have to get used to this haha


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